
Principles of Design...

Ever wondered whether your artistic creation - a handicraft, an origami masterpiece or a consumer product is a cut above the rest or not? Consider yourself lucky if you manage to extract candid feedback for your creations from friends, strangers & fellow art admirers!  Alternatively, you may check whether these great pointers apply to your creation :)

'Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.' ~Steve Jobs
[Image Courtesy - Labnol]


s k gupta said...

This short & sweet blog speak volumes. Though every master craftsman / artist / writer / performer is eager to receive candid feedback / comment from the spectators / audience , the fact remains that they seldom speak their mind & come forward with their opinion / feedback. I am sure the primary reason is lack of knowledge / criterion/ judgement skill among the mass.
This blog brings a wonderful link to educate people about the intricacies of Design in very simple terms in a precise manner . Perfect icing over a well-baked Cake is provided by the blog matter & the picture associated with it. Inspiring, impressive , inviting & wonderful..full of insight & beauty.

Abhishek said... u started writing again +)