
Data Visualization :)

Came across this remarkable graphic while browsing this morning. 
Following are the attributes that make Visual Communication  an extremely effective tool:
  • Simplicity: Information is conveyed with easy-to-decipher simple images instead of pages of written or typed text.
  • Relationships: Correlation & Trends are easily evident in visuals.
  • New Insights: When one looks at compressed & reorganized information, new connections & insights pop-up every now & then.
  • Decision Making: Spectacular images (magnified maps, engineering drawings, Venn Diagrams) helps the viewer comprehend data & make decisions real quick.
Check out this excellent interactive on printmaking (thanks Julia!) by MoMA - And if printmaking sparks your curiosity, do stop by Danforth Museum of Art this weekend - we've an ongoing (and much talked about) exhibit on Boston Printmakers :)
'Graphics is the visual means of resolving logical problems.'~Bertin
[Image Courtesy - iA Inc]

Squiggles & Wiggles

Some illustrations from 'Squiggles & Wiggles' workshop @ Danforth Museum of Art. The idea was to draw lines that are organic, fluid, smooth and continuous (~rivers, clouds, plants shoots etc).
"Painting is just another way of keeping a diary."~Pablo Picasso
[Image Courtesy - CG & SG]